Investment fund
Aequitas Capital Investment SICAV a.s. and Aequitas Restructuring and Development sub-fund
We build mountain apartments, not castles in the air. The goal of our work is a stable appreciation of your investments, mainly thanks to close cooperation with an experienced team of developers, lawyers, economists and architects. Become part of our fund! The fund is managed and administered by DELTA Investment company, a.s., which is subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank.

„We are building a network of aparthotel residences. The main subject of
our activity is investment in real estate projects in the Czech mountains.
According to our surveys, it will be a very stable investment sector in the next
few years, even as a result of the pandemic situation. Demand for so-called
second living in the mountains is still growing.Thanks to our business model, we
will recoup the investment twice – once through the physical sale of the
apartments, and the second time through the revenues from the operation of the
The second "leg“ on which our strategy rests are restructuring projects, which
are an ideal counterweight to development projects.
Our way leads to an efficient evaluation of your finances."
Lukáš Weigner
Managing Partner of the AEQUITAS group
Investment Committee of Aequitas Capital Investment SICAV a.s.
The investment committee is an important body of the fund. He has a say in investment management, ensuring that strategies are well thought out, informed and aligned with client objectives.
It focuses on a few core areas.
Market Analysis
Market, asset and economic trend monitoring and analysis.
Creating Strategies
Based on market analysis and the fund's financial goals, the investment
committee creates an investment strategy that decides on the appropriate
distribution of assets in the investment and property portfolio.
Risk Management
The Committee regularly evaluates the risks associated with investments. They
try to minimize the negative effects of changes in the market.
Portfolio monitoring
Periodic monitoring of the performance of the investment portfolio and
recommending its necessary adjustments according to current market
Communication with clients
Informing clients about the development of their investments and fund
Its members are:
JUDr. Jan Langmeier
chairman of the fund's supervisory board
Mgr. Filip Shrbený
member of the fund's supervisory board
Ing. Jan Kollert
member of the fund's supervisory board
Ing. Michal Slovák
(represents DELTA IS, a.s.)
Subject of investment
We buy commercial real estate in attractive places in the Czech mountains, which most often functioned or still function as accommodation facilities. Based on expert analysis, we either reconstruct these properties or demolish them and build new ones in their place.Clear potential
We focus exclusively on the construction of apart-hotel residences, most of the apartments are for free sale. We have already verified their interest in the Mlýn Herlíkovice project, where construction began in the summer of 2021 and in November 2021, half of the apartments were reserved.
Property selection procedure
These are objects whose standards do not meet the demands of modern times, and are often practically non-functional. For their owners, the sale of real estate is usually the ideal choice. We also always want a new project to bring benefits to its surroundings, not problems.
Complex solution
But our projects are not just concrete cubes that we sell completely and move on. Experienced architects design buildings in such a way that they do not damage the character of the surroundings. In addition, residential projects also include non-residential spaces – restaurants, wellness, pharmacies, doctor's offices and others.
144m CZK
The volume of the fund’s assets As of 30.11.2024
134m CZK
Net Asset Value As of 30.11.202421,24 %
Achieved return for the year 2023WHO IS THE INVESTMENT IN THE FUND FOR?
- to qualified investors
- to investors who want to have, in addition to a fixed interest income, also a share in the profit of the fund's projects
- to investors who prefer longer-term investments in the long-term horizon of 5 years (repurchase of shares without an exit fee is possible after 3 years)
- to investors who are looking for a licensed entity on the market that complies with the appropriate mechanisms (supervision of the depository, independent valuation or mandatory audit)
- above-standard expected stock return
- professional fund manager: DELTA investment company, a.s.
- the professional background of the AEQUITAS Group
The profit is subject to investment risk and the return of the invested amount is not guaranteed and that it is an estimated future return that is not a guarantee of actual returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance.
The fund is administered and managed by DELTA Investment comapny, a.s., which is subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank. Only a qualified investor in the sense of § 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on investment companies and investment funds, can become an investor of the Fund.
What do we invest in?
The main areas of business are real estate development, restructuring, energy, financial and legal services, e-commerce, sale and lease of real estate and hospitality.
Investment process
Client investment
The minimum value of the initial investment is CZK 1,000,000 (equivalent to EUR 125,000).
Acquisition for projects
Mountain properties, restructuring projects.
Value added
Permanent appreciation of invested funds – investments in real assets with stable growth in value.
Estimated return
6.92% p.a. (PIA) 10.20% p.a. (VIA) while maintaining the investment period of 5 years
1. Purposeful investment
We focus on development projects in the Czech mountains. The unique location is a key factor for our investment, as well as yours.
2. Immediate opportunity
The current situation favors investments in real estate projects. In the Czech mountains, these are opportunities that will not be repeated.
3. Balanced evaluation
The income from the sale of mountain apartments enables a stable appreciation of the investment in the long-term horizon of five years.
Fund regulator
Czech National Bank
Professional fund manager
DELTA Investment comapny, a.s.
Custodian bank of the fund
Československá obchodní banka, a. s.
Fund auditor
PKF APOGEO Audit, s.r.o.
Important information and documents
The website is a presentation of the fund of qualified investors Aequitas Capital Investment SICAV a.s. (hereinafter referred to as the „Fund“), managed by the investment company DELTA Investiční společnost, a.s., IČO: 03232051, with its registered office at Sokolovská 675/9, Karlín, 186 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 19885 (hereinafter referred to as „DELTA IS“) and is for informational and promotional purposes only and is not an offer or invitation to invest, investment recommendation, investment advice or analysis of investment opportunities. DELTA IS is subject to the supervision of the Czech National Bank, Na Příkopě 28, 115 03 Prague 1, The exercise of supervision by the Czech National Bank is not a guarantee of investment return or performance of the Fund. The exercise of supervision by the Czech National Bank cannot exclude the possibility of a breach of the legal obligations or the statutes of the DELTA IS Fund by the Depositary or any other person and does not guarantee that any damage caused by such breach will be compensated.
Further information on the Fund's investment strategy is set out in the Fund's Articles of Association. The Fund's Articles of Association in the Czech language are available on this website and can also be obtained on request in electronic or paper form from DELTA IS.